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We all owe it to each other and our future generations, to protect our environment. We owe it to our children, our pets and the animals that inhabit the world.

Energy efficiency doesn't have to start with renewable measures, super insulation and airtightness.

fact, the most efficient architecture is the re-use and conversion of the existing building stock, putting to good use the 'embodied energy' within existing structures.

Whilst this is true, B3architectural are also well versed in the creation of low energy architecture, the use of renewable technologies, passive design that relates to the orientation and the environment and the use of sustainably sourced materials.

We embrace the latest building technologies and model structures using the latest software, at B3 we realise every day is a learning opportunity. If you have energy efficiency goals at heart, come share them with us, let us take the process together. Good design is 'passive' to us.

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